Well, since this blog is brand spanking new and smells like plastic and fine leather, I don’t have any frequently asked questions yet 😕 . Nevertheless, when I visit other travel related websites, there are always some burning questions in the back of my mind. In case you are anything like me, I’ll reveal some things I like to know about fellow travelers.
And it also feels weird to leave this page blank.
- How do I afford to travel? I work all day, everyday. Sometimes I take one day off a week, but that’s seldom. When I’m not traveling, I’m working. I work a bunch of overtime as well, which covers most of my trips. In the past, I did put trips on credit cards – but I don’t like having a lot of debt, so I avoid it. I still use credit cards for the rewards, but I pay them off monthly. I also live in Alabama, so the cost of living is low compared to some states like California.
2. How do I get time off from work to travel? In the beginning of my travels, I had a boss that was super supportive of letting me take off work to travel. As of late, I’ve had to be super creative with getting time off, but I will always find a way to get off work. For the most part though, I use leave without pay after I run out of vacation time. I’m single with no kids, so I don’t have a lot of financial responsibilities.
3. I still don’t believe you. You have some rich parents or something….? Nope, majority of my family has never been on a plane. I actually took my mom and my aunts on their first international trip, which was a whole mess, to Jamaica.
4. Has anything scary ever happened to you? No, thank goodness. I’m sure I’ve been overcharged for taxis and stuff-but no.
5. What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to? Iceland! I was there during the midnight sun and it’s like 17 hours of daylight. I was up at like 2 am sightseeing! It feels super safe there and I was obsessed with the lamb hotdogs. I really like France too. My favorite city in the US is New Orleans.
6. Worst and/or overrated? Domestic – Atlanta, Georgia & San Juan, Puerto Rico. International – Rome, Italy.